Energy Life Coaching
Are you tired of feeling stuck and disconnected from yourself and relationships you’re in, struggling to find your life’s purpose, and wanting more joy, love and empowerment in your life?
This is your body’s feedback
telling you something needs to change.
Energy Life Coaching isn’t about managing and getting rid of your symptoms. It’s about helping you transform and overcome destructive emotional, mental and physical patterns and ailments at a root level to help you achieve a healthier, happier life. By combining personal coaching with energy healing techniques you’ll shift energy patterns that are causing your problems, and build alignment with what you really want out of your life.
Effects of Energy Life Coaching Include:
Physical Benefits:
- Physical healing of diseases and speed up recovery times
- Support cancer care and treatment
- Relieve pain, bruising and swelling
- Strengthen your immune system
- Connect more strongly to your own empowerment, personal truth and authenticity
Emotional Benefits:
- Reduce stress, anxiety, and depression
- Release emotional holding and experience emotional relief
- Feel vitality, happiness, and peacefulness
- Release misconceptions and limiting beliefs you hold about yourself
- Increase self-love and compassion for yourself
- Heal your heart from troubled relationships
- Improve your relationships with family members, partners and loved ones whether living or deceased
Spiritual Benefits:
- Strengthen your intention and ability to achieve your goals more effortlessly than before
- Establish or reconnect with your higher wisdom
- Expand your consciousness, awareness and experience
- Know, connect with and follow your deep inner knowing and intuition
How This Works:

Whether we work in person, over Zoom or on the phone, we’ll first discover your intentions and what you’d like to gain in our sessions.

WHETHER WE ARE WORKING IN-PERSON OR BY PHONE – I use a combination of traditional Life Coaching and Energy Medicine Techniques / Vibrational Therapy in our sessions which assists in balancing your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. It works with your energy field to support your natural ability to heal.

My Clients have Said:

I have had vertigo spells and my physician sent me to rehab to learn how to reset the ‘crystals’ in my ears. The last episode of vertigo I had kept me in bed for 3 days and the ‘crystals’ were not resetting. Brenda offered her abilities of energy healing and I learned how to ‘ground myself’ from the light in my core. AS I OPENED MY EYES, THE SPINNING WAS GONE. THE VERTIGO HAS NOT RETURNED.
Brenda has a calling with energy healing. I will continue to recommend Brenda, her training and ability of energy healing.”

She is very sweet, accommodating, and made me feel comfortable. Energy work helped me to grow spiritually, and helped to clear emotions which contributes to pain/tension/stress. After years of learning about energy work inspired by Brenda, I received the most miraculous healing of my health and it has completely changed my life! I now have a much better quality of life. I would recommend her to anyone. You can’t put a price on your health!”

The second session I had with Brenda was for nagging sciatic pain I could not get rid of. I had tried massage, raindrop, and acupressure. None of which seemed to help. I decided to call Brenda. The session was nothing I had experienced before. It was very relaxing and soothing. SHE LITERALLY WIPED AWAY MY PAIN. I kid you not, when I left her that day I had no pain. I can’t explain exactly how it all works, but it really works. I feel very blessed having gotten to know Brenda. She has helped me physically and emotionally.”

Frequently Asked Questions
What is Energy Healing / Energy Work / Energy Medicine?
How is Energy Healing Possible?
We are energy and the space (air) between us is energy, so we are all connected. We are essentially all in one big ocean of energy.
The actual dynamics of the process of healing is not known, but we do know that because energy is response to thought, feelings, and intentions, that we (ourselves) or another person can help to activate the process.
During a session, or through coaching, I can help you and teach you to intentionally connect to the divine essence that you are. When that connection happens – instantaneous shifts in energy can occur!
Energy flows where it needs to flow. Higher levels of energy (in vibration and frequency) make old patterns of energy break apart and fall away. In so doing, the energy clears, straightens and heals the energy pathways, thus allowing the life force to flow in a healthy and natural way. You may compare this to a computer and how when old programs and viruses are cleared, the device is reprogrammed to work a new way.
Who Does the Healing?
Do I Need to Believe in Energy Work for it to Help Me?
How Will I Feel After an Energy Work/Coaching Session?
Your experience will be unique to you. However, most report:
- Heightened energy and a feeling of well-being
- Feeling “lighter’ and more optimistic
- Greater clarity and an ability to get things done
If deeper issues are worked on, you might also experience:
- Low Energy or Fatigue – You may have spent years suppressing your true feelings and past events. Therefore, you might feel a temporary low as your body assimilates the release of the blocked energy and integrates the new ideal energy of Divine Love.
- Feeling Very Emotional – You may experience sudden waves of emotions that you previously suppressed. Feelings of anger, sadness, anxiety, or fear may bubble to the surface. Resist the urge to ignore or stuff these feelings down. Instead, allow them the space to simple just be. Act as an observer. You might even say to the feeling, “I hear you.” Thank the feeling for trying to protect you and then allow it to drain away.
- Vivid dreams – this is your psyche’s way of processing the healing. Consider keeping a journal of your dreams. Your dreams often provide valuable information that can further your healing process.
What Can I Do After a Session to Get the Most Benefit?
Take an Epsom Salt Bath / Hot Shower: Detoxifying your body by bathing is an ancient remedy. A detox bath is thought to assist your body in eliminating toxins as well as absorbing the minerals and nutrients that are in the water.
•Practice Extreme Self-Care – Following an energy session, if “stuff” comes up for you, it is very important to pamper yourself. You may journal, take a walk, get extra rest, do some yoga, listen to guided meditations, get a massage, pat your dog or sit with your cat (animals are natural healers), or anything else that you enjoy!
Signs that Energy Work is Working
Remember healing is very much a co-creation between your higher self and Divine Source Energy. Some individuals are open and receptive to having miracles occur in the lives. While others, on a subconscious level, are more comfortable with a gradual integration and transformation.
In ALL cases, some form of HEALING HAS OCCURRED. It’s important to look for and recognize both the obvious results as well as the subtler shifts.
The subtle shifts are:
- You suddenly feel inspired to take action (even a baby step) in a new direction, after days, weeks, or months of feeling indecisive or unmotivated.
- Your days are now filled with a general sense of well-being and optimism; sense of peace and abundance.
- The intensity of your “negative” feelings (anger, sadness, disappointment, anxiety, etc.) have significantly softened or lessened.
- Wonderful synchronicities are suddenly happening in your life. The right people, experiences, and opportunities are suddenly, effortlessly appearing.
Energy Life Coaching
strategy session
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