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Many of you know that I work in a surgical bariatric weight loss clinic.  And many of you know that I also had weight loss surgery.  Energy medicine has been one of the biggest catalyst for helping me in my journey.  Over the past week I have gotten call after call with our patient population wondering what they can do to accelerate their weight loss.  Because it is the beginning of the year, I think people are just looking at the direction their lives are taking and wanting to make the changes they need to head in the direction that they most want.  People in our geographical area aren’t always that familiar with energy medicine, so sometimes it is a little hard to bring up Complimentary Alternative Medicine (CAM) into the conversation. I’m never so sure about how open people are to it.

What is energy medicine? And how does it work?

The major premise is – everything is Energy.  It is what makes our bodies, the environment in which we live, nature, and it is even what makes up our thoughts, and our emotions.  All these things are made of millions of particles of energy which form together in physical form – including our bodies.  So although we appear solid – we are actually just an accumulation of energy with space between these particles of energy.  Each cell, each organ, each part of us has it’s own specific knowingness (consciousness) and vibration and frequency.  This energy is not only contained within us – but is shared with the environment around us; this is called the “biofield”.

The human biofield is commonly referred to as the energetic matrix.  It directly links the bodies cells, their activities to specific patterns that move the energy.  These patterns are sometimes referred to as the chakra and meridian system.  Energy medicine specifically works with the energetic vibrations, frequencies, and patterns of movement of energy.  Energy can be shifted and moved within the body not only through physical movement, but also intention (with though and emotions).

So what does this have to do with anything?? It means that no physical condition is unchangeable!

Simply put – because we are all energy bodies, and made completely of energy, if energy is shifted or moved, conditions can change.

What blocks progress – weight loss?

The millions of particles that make us up are actually just a huge compository of information; stored information of all our past experiences. Information that progresses though our lineage (our aunts, uncles, etc.).  Certain thought patterns, belief systems, emotional patterns, stored traumas, and all memories are part of this matrix.   So any of this can block weight loss.  That is why it is easy for some people to lose weight and not others. But, the good news is…think about how easy it is for energy to change form; from water to steam, from firewood to a fire, and from ice to water.  Those are simple changes of energetic form.  Our bodies are not much different. Patterns of energy can be shifted to allow changes to take place. And when energy “blocks” are removed, changes occur – sometimes instantaneously.  If there are multiple layers of energetic patterns that are causing a block of flow, then there may need to be several patterns shifted before a physical result is seen.

What needs to happen for energy to shift?

As mentioned previously, each particle in the body vibrates to a specific frequency and vibration.  To change a pattern from one state to another; a change in the vibration and frequency must occur.  The energetic waves must change form. Certain waves are fast moving and some slow moving.  There are some waves that have no motion; these are termed zero point frequency.  When a wave occurs at zero point frequency there is no resistance.  At zero point there is no reaction.  When we shift a wave into zero point – your body will respond differently to circumstances; eating, hunger, cravings, and metabolizing foods.

How can I do this?

Zero point literally occurs by shifting an energetic pattern; a thought, an emotion, or any other energetic form.  Simply feeling better about any circumstance will affect change.  It’s not only positive feeling; but belief must occur behind this as well.  By reviewing what belief systems, emotional responses, and behaviors you have – you can investigate what might be causing your body to hold onto weight.  Sometimes weight can be a means of protection, isolation, and a way to hide who we really are.

How do I start?

Take a deep breath.  That sounds incredibly easy – but that decreases resistance.  When a thought pattern or emotional response occurs, let it come up and just let it move through your body without blocking it.  Allow it to flow.  Don’t stop it. Bless and thank it for showing you and bringing awareness to what it going on.  Acknowledgement and awareness are huge steps to changing these patterns.  Think of ways to feel better about what may be presenting using your guidance system (intuition and senses). A positive vib cancels out a negative vib – which equals zero point.  Once a pattern is gone – IT IS GONE FOREVER! Unless of course, you decide to bring it back into awareness and start focusing on it again. No response = no manifestation in physical reality. This can mean changes in all parts of your life. One small change can affect many other changes.

All the best & much love,


Hope this information was helpful!  I’d love to hear your comments below!

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Brenda Hoehn
Body Treats Massage & Spa
27 North Main St
Perryville, MO 63775
(573) 225-8972

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