I ran into a post this morning that really resonated with me. It was on “Throat Chakra Healing”. It described a global energy that is pouring through right now, that makes us want to focus on restoration of health and functionality of this energy portal or gateway. It is all about giving and receiving information and returning to a state of balance to navigate our way around this heightened aggressive energy to renew inspiration, take on new projects, and align our vision with a new reality.
This relates to healing:
Emotional Attributes – related to being authentic and able to speak without being ridiculed, speaking up without fear of offending others, or overcoming conditioning of being told to stay silent. Here we can decipher what we are wanting to express and determine what it is we want to communicate… not what others want us to say or do. It is also in allowing others to be their unique self and express without judgement.
Mental Attributes – related to sovereignty (independence or authority) of ideas, thoughts, and concepts, and allowing these to come straight through as clear guidance. Here we attune to our natural, divine state, and disempower others reign over us. We weed through our beliefs and determine which we want to keep and which we want to no longer reinforce. We allow others free expression and they allow ours.
Physical Attributes – relates to the attributes that we can sense (see, hear, smell, taste, and touch) and those that include the physical body areas of the upper respiratory tract and neck. It affects our voice and expression. Here we are asked to surrender to a higher power and allow that inner voice to be heard. What happens is, that when we do this, we can then begin to see the inner divine influence in our relationships, finances, career, and health (our outer world). Everything is inner connected. When our voice is in “truth” – lies can not be held. Truth is abundance of resources, abundance of love, and abundance of restoration for ourselves and those we love.
Spiritual – related to receiving / giving information from all sorts of energetic sources; those in physical form and those in a spiritual sense. We can decipher which to listen to and those to filter out. Those that are beneficial and those that no longer serve us. In a sense, we attune to higher forms of energy that give us joy, bliss, and inner peace.
Healing Exercise:
Surrender to a higher power.
1. Relax your body fully and focus on your breath.
2. Call in higher vibrational beings of light and love (Angels, Jesus, Buddha, or whomever you feel most drawn too). Ask for their assistance in full surrender to a higher power.
3. Allow energetic alignments to occur. Allow your body to move as it is guided. Allow any discomfort to take place and breath through it.
4. Know that you are being divinely guided. Know that all your worries are being washed away. Know that you are building a new foundation.
5. Continue the process until it is complete. Your intuition will tell you.
As easy as it is…
It is powerful.
Surrender is relinquishing control. Surrender allows truth to come from a space of peace and alignment; expressing ourselves in the most empowering ways.
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All the best,
Brenda Hoehn