I’m going to talk about summoning inner strength and where does inner strength come from.
Here are 4 Major Areas to Consider:
- I believe it comes from a knowing that there is something larger than ourselves and trusting that process.
- Knowing that everything is temporary (our bodies, our emotions, our thoughts), what we see on the outside is only a minor reflection of the past.
- That we must be kind to ourselves. Moving on means accepting where we are right now.
- Knowing that we are never stuck in a situation.
How can we intentionally strengthen ourselves?
We can bring in…
Happiness- being willing to sacrifice or let go of emotions that keep us held to a situation and that may have served us in the past- those of being a victim, a need to suffer and be in disappointment.
We can let go of all the buts..
- But it has been that way before
- But he/she won’t like if I do it or that
- But it’s never changed before
- But I’ve never been able to do that before
- But no one else has ever done that before
When you stop that feeling of “I can’t because…” You are able to do 5 things:
- You better understand your worthiness – knowing that you are a divine being and it is your birth right to be happy, joyful and free.
- Have an appreciation for the contrast of where you are. Being non reactive to the things you see, hear, feel, touch, taste, sense in front of you. And understand that all is first created from within. The environment in front of you is only reflecting back is your previous vibration and frequency. The radio channel that you have been tuning to. But now you know that you can change that channel as easily as you change your radio. You can tune from challenge and frustration to peace.
- You stay peaceful in any situation. You no longer project those feelings of discontentment into the futures. So, in this way, you can compare it to putting a stop sign out and changing the momentum immediately.
- You call upon the stronger parts of yourself. You can ask for inner guidance. We can call on those that have been before us, our heavenly family (God, angels, figures we feel connected to). All of them are ready and willing to help us at any moment- whether we sense presence or not.
- We can remember all those times we were supported in the past; our friends, our family, our co-workers. This puts us in an energetic space of creating a new us or way of being.
To be strong means trusting when your inner self tells you to do something. Going forward and doing that one thing. It means being able to express yourself freely. Free of what others think, free of what YOU have thought before. Free of what you think you can do. I’m so many ways STRENGTH = FREEDOM.
Today is a new day, new beginning. You are being cellularly being recreated in this very moment.
Being strong is realizing that we can always count on that inner connection we have to our innermost self. The connection we have to our God self.
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