Is your soul calling our for something new? Something different? Something you don’t even know how to put into words? Maybe it’s asking you to re-evaluate your focus. To transform anything we must change our perspective and perception about it.
When your perception and perspective change – the energy between where you are and want to be comes into alignment; the space gets smaller and smaller. The results come naturally and without resistance. This simultaneously creates 3 things:
- Less suffering and chaos. It is possible, and even 100% probable, that when you are in alignment – you will no longer be posed with mental, emotional, and physical pain. The resistance is the key to movement. More resistance – a further jump in alignment. Observe, transcend, experience.
- Things happen quickly. You are what you are vibrationally. Transcendence is equality. Emotional: Happiness = Happy experiences, Sadness = Sad experiences, no feeling (observer role) = blissful experiences.
- A knowing of less separation. How can you know that you are not separate? By reclaiming all your own fragmented pieces of your soul, by releasing others of your needs, by releasing others to live their own experiences. This automatically allows all to create from the divine spot; a place of sovereignty (masterful-ness). And creates and expression of less separation between you and all else. Love flows more easily through your body.
So how do we do that?
We must change our perspective and perception.
Let’s define perspective: a particular attitude toward or way of regarding something; a point of view.
Let’s define perception: the state of being or process of becoming aware of something through the senses
- Coming in to Sync with What You are Wanting
All things in life are actually inter-connected. For something to change you must become in sync or resonance with it. For example – your weight. Let’s say you want to weigh 160lbs AND you currently weigh 240lbs. For this to happen, your overall body (physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual essence) must be in congruence or agreement with what is wanted. If any of those parts are feeding in information (subconsciously) that are telling you a different story – then it will not happen. This is law. It just can’t. All parts must agree.
External perception is really only a hologram of the internal aspects of what you are experiencing. In other words, your body is like a computer storage bin. Everything you see externally is a combination of your previous understandings of your internal environment.
For example:
- If you are experiencing extra weight on your body
- Your body could be adding on the pounds as a means of protection.
- It could be gifting you the necessary boundaries helping you to separate yourself from others
- It could be from something your parents or grandparents experienced and passed along to you (emotional or thought-based)
So to change this inner talk and make it something more that you would like to see and experience, let’s do an exercise:
Exercise: Writing What You Want (Getting clear about what it is that you REALLY want). We are going to affect change at the deepest level. The level of the heart. The level of your inner being and what your inner being wants.
- Get out a piece of paper. Write down “I know who I am and what I am”. “I have clarity about what I want.”
- Now close your eyes and take your hand and place it over your heart. Allow your hand to synchronize with your heart and your heart with your mind. Don’t overthink this. The intention is what is most important.
- Breathe, Breath, Breathe. Relax fully into this.
- Become aware of your full presence.
- Then, in your mind’s eye – see your heart as an expression of light. Allow that light to glow, and grow… expanding larger and larger, and larger. Allow it to encompass that entire space.
- This light brings fourth truth.
- As this expansion of light fills the area. Allow anything that is not of you (fears, others thoughts, others emotions, etc.) to leave the space.
- Draw and call back in your own power – from any place that you have allowed your power to go outside of yourself.
- Listen closely to this intentional prayer, as I say it for you…
- I fully integrate all parts of my being and allow my power to reflect perfect alignment with who I am”
- I deeply and completely:
- Accept myself and others.
- I acknowledge that I am fully supported and am an extension of something more than what I can fully realize
- I respect all parts of my wholeness
- I appreciate all things as a gift and learn as all is integrated
- Now I want you to allow the highest version of you to speak to you. What is it the single most thing that you would like. Explain it in 1-2 words.
- Now slowly open your eyes and place the words on the paper. Don’t analyze what you have written or what was said.
- Now close your eyes again for another moment and completely allow these awareness’s to come through based on what you originally wrote:
- I CAN connect with my inner wisdom and guidance
- I know I am strong
- I know I am powerful
- I know I am fully supported
- I know that I can create anything and that anything is possible
So now open your eyes.
As this desires get stronger, the blocks that stand in your way will become more noticeable and surface.
Learn to observe them.
Learn to love them for the gift they give you.
The blocks are your keys to transforming any and everything.
In the past, your focus may have been just on looking at what you want, but it is just as important to observe and release the resistance. So that is what we will do next.
- Releasing Resistance
Next we will be looking at the triggers that may have prevented you from your desire(s) in the past. We will look at the emotions or thoughts as they present as resistance.
But, one of the most important thing her is to understand is…. LISTEN VERY CLOSELY. The resistance presents itself as a GIFT.
With that simple remembrance…
That means you no longer have to suffer.
And you no longer need to worry. These are simply choices.
Your anger? It’s telling you where you feel powerless
Your anxiety? It’s telling you something in your life is off balance
Your fear? It’s telling you what you care about
Your apathy? It telling you where you’re overextended and burnt out
Your feelings aren’t random, they are messengers.
Your feelings are the keys to letting you know what you want.
The goal is to reach a place of steadiness and peace; a place with zero frequency (no highs / no lows), a place where no emotion lies. It is the space between spaces.
By retuning your body – you can reach this point. It’s about redefining your perspective and feelings about situations.
To further get into this, we will do a writing exercise.
Exercise: Writing – Changing the momentum with opposites to no longer experience the pain, worry, and anxiety about a situation.
- Recognition – Become aware of what comes up when you think about your previous vision statement (What you think you want). Write down a list of words that come to mind; the negative self-talk. Write at the top: I feel: ____________
- Now reach even deeper – write a few sentences about where this might be coming from. For example; programming from your parents, something a friend once said, or maybe even a failure in the past.
- Now beside each of the words that just came up find the opposite emotion for whatever it is that you just experienced. For example:
- For fear of failure = being yourself (which is success)
- For unworthiness = worthiness
- For disbelief (can’t do it) = faith /belief
And re-write your story. Instead of I feel: _______ (unworthy), write worthy, etc.
- If this feels weird and not authentic right now – just realize that you are a work in progress. It may take time to change the original feelings. Bringing awareness to it is the first starting point!
- Synchronization
The overall goal is to be more into your natural state – which is peace, happiness, and comfort.
Now we will learn one extremely easy way to do that. An exercise that you can consciously do throughout your day when you feel resistance come up. It is a way to relax more fully into your body. When you communicate that all is well – each of your cells automatically respond – within seconds. And this amplifies or accelerates your process.
Exercise: Relaxing into your natural state –
- Breathe in slowly, release slowly.
- Breathe in slowly, release slowly.
- Breathe in slowly, release slowly.
As you breathe you relax into the flow of your being.