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So many of us wonder what the future will hold.  We hold onto the past and our beliefs about what has been and what we THINK or HOPE our future moments will look like and from that viewpoint or perspective, we are then lead into the next part of our journey – engaged and more intentional.  We believe what has been or what we think will be – is our future.  In most some respects this is true. Energetically – we create based on all those patterns that we hold; the way our body is coded, the way we currently think, and those emotions that we currently feel.  Those patterns include our whole soul level consciousness; all that we are and those intentions that are within our being when we come into this physical.

So, with that in mind, when we intend to create for the New Year (or really anytime we want to be more intentional), should we resort back to those ideals that we have had in the past? And, isn’t that what most of us have always done – according to the way we have been programmed?  We look back at our life and where we are.  We look at what has happened and what we are now wanting – desiring some type of change or transformation. Something inside of ourselves stirs and those questions we start asking lead us into deeper evaluation.  We are blessed to have wants and desires – for when we see or perceive new things that we want, our heart leads us in new directions and the Universe (God) leads us to new answers to those questions.  For without the new wish or longing – we would never grow or expand.  The new awareness creates!  

(((click to get a SNEAK PEAK at our upcoming workshop on Manifesting)))

The question I want to ask you, is ….What would it look like if we started creating from a whole new place or space?  What if we started creating directly from the feeling that we are wanting?  Without necessarily always attaching a thought-form (or creation) of what that is? What if we created from an energetic place of resonance with joy or happiness? Of peace?  Of freedom?  And let the Universe bring that highest version to us? While this may look like a new body, a new house, a new career, or a new relationship – it may not look like what we originally thought it would.  It may be much bigger or brighter.  There is nothing wrong with placing a visual picture on what that may look like, but the trick is also allowing the greatest version to present itself. This is that limitless feeling within ourselves is wanting so badly to be birthed. The only thing that holds us back in our power is resistance.  It can be like a tight rubber band placed around the energetic field.  No new energy can be allowed in without breaking the band and allowing new light to be held.   No new energy can be allowed without letting go of the energy of our past.   

How to do this?  We can jump into our future and start creating … but what is being suggested is different.  What is different?  It is continually CREATING in the NOW moment.  If you do that, you also create future moments in resonance with that vibrational frequency.   This means intending for your NOW moments to be the highest version that they can. Resonating more and more with who you really are, what you really are, and how you best serve in truth – in the moment. Being your own sovereign being.  Being in your own power.  Drawing back all the fragmented pieces of yourself.  Being the best version of yourself now.  That isn’t to say you ignore or push down feelings like anger, depression, etc.  It’s to acknowledge them, bring compassion to them and continually move on. Being your own best friend… holding your own hand, listening to yourself, giving compassion to yourself.  Saying “Beloved, I love you and accept you just the way you are”. Understanding that the pain has been a blessing. Appreciating that the pain has helped you to differentiate what is wanted and make new choices and decisions. Now you are making a conscious decision to being in more of the light and being of the light.

(((Creative times await you at our upcoming Workshop)))

What does this mean? What does this look like?  This means treating your body with respect and honoring it in a new way – as if it was already 15lbs lighter (or whatever your health goal is); loving it with as much kindness as you can, it means looking at your relationships and seeing the qualities in others that you most admire as if the love you desire is already there, this means finding things in your current day to day life and career that bring you purpose, it means seeing the support and abundance that are already part of your everyday experiences.  It means inner talk that allows you to be more of who you are. 

What if you have had many disappointments in the past?  Can you leave the pain behind?   Yes.  Look at it as a new doorway that has opened.  Inside this doorway is everything and everyone to support this new you.  As you attempt to walk in, you understand that all the worries, guilt, shame, sadness can be left at the door; like baggage.  As you walk in the doorway – you see nothing but support and love; you are blinded by the golden richness of the light.   Anytime you feel uncertainties or uneasiness, you know you can go back to the opening of the door and leave more of those heavy burdens there and re-enter.  Really feel into what it feels like to be in this place.   

Ready to explore more of your vision?
Bring your family or friends and join us at our first Vision Board Workshop 
Sunday , February 18th, 2018!
Sign up by the February 11th to assure your seat!

Much love to your brilliant new creations,

Brenda Hoehn
Life Energy Coach

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© 2016-2017 BRENDA HOEHN


Brenda Hoehn
Body Treats Massage & Spa
27 North Main St
Perryville, MO 63775
(573) 225-8972

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