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Everything is energy.  You are the creator of ALL your experience. Here you must understand that: Emotions and thoughts create exactly what you are now experiencing.

You like what you’re experiencing?  Keep creating the same.
You don’t like what you are experiencing?  Instantaneously change your emotions and thoughts to make a better environment. Not sure why you are feeling the way you are feeling? You can also look back into past experiences and seek what is causing your feelings of misalignment with what you want and “cancel” out the feelings and choose to no longer feel / experience that pain any longer!

You create through choice.
“Choice” here means deciding what you want most and giving it the most attention.  Our “Root” Chakra gives us the connectedness to create here on Earth and see the results of our creations!

Choice is conscious and unconscious
All that stuff that looks like it’s outside of yourself (other people, things, events, the world, taxes, etc.) is all created by you. And it is the unconscious part of self that is doing the majority of the creating. My goal is to help you create an awareness that allows you to understand this creation process and see yourself as a ‘victor’ instead of a ‘victim’.  All that you are creating is because you gave something thought and emotion! (Whether you are conscious of this or not!)

Choices are yours and for yourself only.  You cannot make another’s choices for them.

Notice that all is a reflection that is within you.
All what is being recognized around you is really within you.  This includes ALL that you see; someone else’s anger, as well as someone else’s happiness… ALL is really only a reflection of your own present emotions.  See all that you are being given as symbolic of what’s inside yourself!

Awareness is the first step to changing the energy of the “Root” Chakra (located at the base of the spine).  Nonjudgement/Non-blame is the second step.  Understand that ALL YOUR CHOICES are neither good nor bad… they just are as they are!! We learn from each choice we make and develop more awareness of who we are!

How does that make you feel….?
EMPOWERED to know you create?
WONDERFUL to know that you have NEVER made a mistake in your life?

WE LOVE your input!  Feel free to leave your comments!!

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Brenda Hoehn
Body Treats Massage & Spa
27 North Main St
Perryville, MO 63775
(573) 225-8972

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