Manifesting Into Being
If you are like me… when you want something – you want it now. What if I was to tell you that you can put yourself in the energetic frequency of having it now? And once you place yourself in the “place” of having it, you will have already created it on some level and it will be there waiting for you. When can connect to other places within our being first – we assign it to the physical. It is almost like a little check-list. And the good news is… this gets much easier as we release the old agreements of stories we’ve written for ourselves. So how can we do this?
Your Action steps to get there
Let go of your “ego” self. Let go of the separation “victim” self. To do this: simply develop a knowing that you are part of everything; unity consciousness and that nothing is separating you from what you want. God (The Universe – or whatever you would like to call it) wants you to be happy, to be successful, to be in love. Let yourself have it (in your mind’s eye – now). Allow yourself to feel love for whatever it is that you want. Anytime something seeps up inside of you that tells you otherwise, observe it (don’t ignore it as that will keep it in your field of possibilities). To shift that old (negative /lower vibrational energy) ~ affirm to yourself that, because you are part of the “ALL” that exists that you are, indeed: worthy and abundant and all possibilities exist for the Universe to support you in having this gift. Find a way to feel better about what it is that you are wanting. You will know you are aligned with the energy of this coming into being – when your thoughts and emotions are without resistance; there is no fight within. There is no struggle within.
Create a space. Ask yourself what it really is that you are wanting- besides just the physical representation; what it is that you want emotionally and mentally? Ask yourself what the physical will represent (ie. peace, safety, security, creativity, courage, contentment, freedom, love, and/or appreciation.) Create a space for your creation to exist. Create the sensory effect for it to exist NOW; visualize it, smell it, taste it, hear it, and touch it. This can be in your mind’s eye (through relaxation or meditation) or find an environment that this already exists and be around this energy. You can also create it on paper; write it, draw it, or cut out pictures. Once it is created through your emotions and thoughts – it is >90% of the way already developed and processing into physical reality. Get into the emotional component of it. Get into the thought-related components of it. Everything is energy. And energy exists on all levels and in all forms. Once the matrix for it has been created, it has been created on some level.
Believe it. Never mind about it not being here right now! Let go of the past & not having it previously. Stop creating the same ole story. Let go of the need to continue to control the visualizations and how it will happen. Let go of how it will come to you. Develop a knowing that it has been created on some level. Allow yourself to know that if it was meant to be (for your higher good and the higher good of others) that it will happen. And allow yourself to fall into a deep knowing of it or something better being on its way. Develop a realization that when you start doubting – you know that you are moving away from the physical part of it coming. Catch yourself and listen to the fear, to the doubt, to what your body is telling you. These are all signs of non-alignment and possibly why it is not showing up into the physical. Breathe, breathe again, and then breathe some more.
Listen – then act. Listen to what your guidance or intuition tell you. Only take steps when guided. Don’t take non-actionable steps; steps that are without positive (good feeling emotions and thoughts). Don’t take steps because you think you must do something. Sometimes the best thing you can do is rest or non-action. Sleep, go on with your days. Put one foot in front of the other. Allow the answers to come. Answers or next steps may come through a conversation with a friend, seeing a picture in a magazine, on Facebook, or while watching a movie.
So… let go of your past stories, put attention on what you want; not what your mom, your kids, or your husband/wife wants. Create a new intentional reality; by creating a new emotion or thought related to what you want. Believe, surrender and let it go. Only act when inspiration and motivation hits. Think of a dandelion flower – in its “puffball” state and once it is blown up on, the seeds take off and are air-borne, spreading to who knows where.
The newly released seeds are like the thoughts/emotions that are released into the world whereas fresh dandelion flowers are created. “You are one thing only. You are a Divine Being. An all-powerful Creator. You are a Deity in jeans and a t-shirt, and within you dwells the infinite wisdom of the ages and the sacred creative force of All that is, will be and ever was.” ~ Anthon St. Maarten
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Much love to your new brilliant creations,
Brenda Hoehn
Life Energy Coach