Inspired Action vs No Action
It’s been awhile since I’ve written a blog post. Part of it, has been that I’ve been just catching up with me. Catching up with the aspects of me that I want to put out into the world. Catching up with understanding more of who I am and what I have to offer this world.
In the meantime, I’ve been spending time with friends, family, and doing LOTS of Gardening, LOL!

Can you relate? Have you ever taken a break from life in some way?
When we take some time to sit back and observe.
And not do anything that seems to relatively important.
We observe.
We wait.
We listen.
We embrace ourselves.
What do we hear?
What do we see?
Who do we have conversation with?
We learn more about ourselves.
We fill ourselves up with love.
We have more to offer others.
We have more to offer ourselves.
We embody those parts of ourselves that desire expression.
Our words are meaningless without our authenticity shining in the background.
I feel like the word this year is “authenticity”.
It’s this overall vibe that is helpful to others.
Our true spirit shining about; our smile, our handshake, the blink of our eye, our posture, our charisma… all pouring through our mere physical body in a way that helps others.
When we get into this flow – inspiration comes more easily.
We are not pushing against anything by doing actions that feel meaningless or difficult.
We observe results and are able to be non-reactionary.
Daydreaming becomes more profound – because we are able to dream more easily without worry of what will happen or won’t happen.
Our perception changes and we no longer see things in the world the same way.
We find happiness in the smallest, most minuet ways.
We feel guided without our negativity holding us back
We feel the embracement of the universe.
We are able to cheer others with our frequency of our being-ness.
10 Day Challenge
Worry less (or don’t worry at all) about what’s going on in your environment.
Switch-on to “dream” mode and dream the scenario into what you want it to be.
Put yourself into a relaxed state, an observer.
Notice the changes, as you go, that you notice in your senses and your environment.
As your external world changes into your dream world. Your dream world changes into your external world.
1:1 time – Energy-based techniques
Wanting some relaxation and time to unwind?
Let’s get together! Email me at: