Q&A from a recent blog post:
Question: I recently had someone ask: “How can I feel my own energy more pronounced? When I get very relaxed and focus on it, I will feel a slight vibration in my hands, arms, and chest, but it only lasts about 20 seconds.”
Answer: Movement of energy can be sensed in many ways; through all your senses. You are experiencing it, if course, at all times, but to become more aware of it, all you need to do is be aware and note it can come in many ways… so it’s not only thru the physical body. As the energy moves, you may feel it; emotionally (feelings of happiness or sadness), mentally (thoughts of something related may come to mind), physically (thru goose bumps, hot/coldness, tingling, taste it- for example- (metallic taste), smell it (roses, smoke), visualize (symbolic pictures, ie. Knife- someone stabbing you in the back), see it (orbs of color), hear it (hear walls breaking, alarm going off).
Get to even more in tune with the energy – ask a question of what you most want to know, your body will respond to a question. Your body will become stronger or weaker and your senses will in tune to the answer. Everything that you are sensing that seems EXTERNAL is really INTERNAL. So the messages are always within.
You can sense other’s energy in the same way (people who are here physically here or even those that have passed beyond the physical realm)! Just take note and intuitively notice what you are hearing when you talk to the person (or think of them), what symbols or pictures come to mind, what feelings or emotions come up, what noises /tones / sounds do you hear or that come to mind. We tune into other people’s energy all the time – we are just not always aware of it. Think of a time when you sat down next to a sad friend and immediately you felt sad. Or when you thought of a friend and within a few seconds – that person called you on the phone!
Responses when tapping into the energy field can be subtle. The biggest pointer I can give – is to really listen and TRUST what answers you are given. The information your receive may not always make sense. Sometimes writing down the information will help. Maybe the full answer to whatever question you have is on it’s way and these are only the hints bringing you closer to the answer.
All the best & much love,
Hope this information was helpful! I’d love to hear your comments below!
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