When we think in terms of energy, there are words that are of higher vibration and frequency; those that lift us up and then other words, that bring us down; emotionally and mentally. Guilt is one of those words that has a very low energetic pattern. Guilt energy can be situated within our bodies energetic matrix (blueprint) and this can show up in physical ways in our life: in our physical bodies and in our environment – the day to day activities that occur. It can cause a bit of havoc!
Breaking this down…. It’s almost like catching the flu. If you, within your complete soul history (that includes every experience you’ve ever had) and your ancestry (those persons that have blood lineage and those that don’t), have had exposure to guilt feelings and you picked up that energy (whether by personally experiencing it or being exposed to it) – you may consciously or unconsciously have guilt in your bodies energetic field. This occurs as everything is energy; words, feelings, and emotions. This can translate to pain and anxiety to things we may not even be aware of.
How can you transmute this?
- RECOGNITION: Simply becoming aware when a feeling of guilt comes up – that it is there. Don’t ignore it and push it down. Listen to what it’s telling you. How strong is the feeling? Rate it 1-10; 10 being worst.
- FIND THE TRUTH OF THE GUILT: Then, when you’ve recognized it and understood what it’s telling you, find out the truth of the guilt. Is it truth that’s coming thru or is the guilt itself wanting to show you what the truth really is?
- FIND COMPASSION AND FORGIVENESS. Find compassion for the guilt. Would you have REALLY done something differently? We all do the best we can, at the time, with what we are faced with. Our previous actions are what they are. We can not control other people actions and reactions. Did the guilt bring about some type of gift or realization? What have you been able to do because of the guilt? How can you move on? Finding a way to feel better, compassion/forgiveness is one of the best ways to resolve guilt.
- RECOGNIZE YOUR POSITIVE QUALITIES. Recognize that you also have qualities that bring happiness to others; maybe it’s your smile, your talents, and maybe it’s even just your presence.
- RE-RATE. What does the word guilt mean to you now? 1-10; 10 worst.
If it helps journal your feelings and write them down during this process. Envision the person /place/thing that you associate with guilt and talk to them. (They don’t have to be present – just think about them and their energy is there!)
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Brenda 🙂
Life Energy Coach