My WHY… Personal story – swing back about 10-15 years ago. My aunt had cancer.
At the time- I was just learning the basics of Energy work. We were at a family reunion. My aunt asked me if I could give her an energy-work session. We veared off to a quiet room – where she laid down to relax. At the time she was stage 3 – lung cancer and had made a conscious decision to no longer undergo radiation / chemo. It made her too sick. She was wanting to try non-conventional treatments.
The session started unremarkable- nothing too different… just some energy-balancing exercises that I had learned some weeks earlier at a Healing Beyond Borders class.
But then…about midway thru we were suddenly visited by angelic beings. I could see them in my mind’s eye and I felt their presence so incredibly strongly that I broke down in tears and started uncontrollably sobbing. I honestly could not control myself – it was so intense. The love that they brought was so incredibly indescribable. There were 3 or 4 of them with us and I could see them implanting something similar to a green emerald crystal into her chest. They didn’t say anything- but I instantaneously knew that it was for healing of some kind. I just had a knowing that something big was happening.
She was very relaxed at this point – but I felt I must share, with her, as it was difficult for me to continue the session, due to the deep emotion I was feeling. We ended the session about 10 minutes later. She shared after, that she had an incredible feeling, that something had occurred that was also difficult for her to put into words.
After the session she followed up with some additional testing and to both of our surprise she had some amazing results. She had some resolution.
This wonderful loving incredible being of God lived another 7-8 years. She recently passed a little over a year ago. I believe her willingness to connect to that divine aspect of herself drove me even further into learning more, studying harder, and developing a real knowing that we are sooo much more than we know and realize.
So how does energy-related practices
and color play into healing?
And how can we use color to change the bodies energy frequency by using colors…
How does this work??
Color is simply a form of visible light which exists with all the properties of electromagnetic energy. All the primary colors reflected in the rainbow carry their own unique charges. Visible light frequencies lie between the frequencies of ultraviolet rays and infrared waves. Our bodies are one of the most magnificent examples of patterned color frequencies representing thousands, maybe millions within the spectrum of colored light. Because of these properties, color therapy can be used to change the vibration/frequency of any pattern; whether it lie as an emotional, mental, and/or physical issue.
Showing Wavelength Comparison Between Colors
Frequency / Wavelength Chart –
Resource: Chart from: (2016), A Color Frequency Chart with Frequencies and Wavelengths. Website:
Wavelength Chart –
Showing Wavelength Comparison Between Colors
Resource: Chart from: Chakra Anatomy (2017), Chakra Colors Explained. Website:
How Does This
Work Inside the Body?
Colors; light frequencies can be found inside our tissues, organs, muscles, bones, etc. These correspond to specific attributes. There are a multitude of color frequency charts that associate colors with the bodies energetic system (chakra system), but I believe there is much more to the story than associating a specific energy center (chakra) with a specific color.
I believe each major energy center (chakra) within the body has overlapping characteristics of the color frequencies of all the other major energy centers (chakras) and these colors are fluid; changing according to specific vibrational tendencies within our bodies system that can also relate to our thoughts and emotions. To further explain, a typical color chakra chart with associated names would look something like this:
Color Chakra Chart (Areas of the Body / Names)
Resource: Personality Hacker (2017), Chakra Exercises for Highly Sensitive People. Website:
Associated chakras with colors: Crown – Purple, Third Eye – Indigo, Throat – Blue, Heart – Green, Solar Plexus – Yellow, Sacral – Orange, and Root – Red.
Specifically, each of the major energy centers (chakras) are like wheels that have specific links to physical body parts, corresponding emotions, and corresponding mental thought patterns. Without going into a lot of detail here, as this could be an entire course on its own, I want to just bring awareness to foundation that the bodies color palate has energetic patterns that associate with physical characteristics, and our emotional, and mental energy bodies.
How Can We Use Color to Transform Ourselves? [EXERCISE]
To shift patterns that are no longer beneficial, the color palate may be “charged” by adding or subtracting color. We intuitively do this on a moment to moment and daily basis. Examples include: Adding color may be done through our environment (walking through specific colors in scenery, a colored room, wearing specifically colored clothing, or accessories, etc.), by using colored light lasers (lights with colored lenses), and by envisioning colored light running through the bodies system (in our minds eye).
Subtracting color may be done in the same ways – through our environment, (our bodies will energetically resonate with the colors we are around and if we are around “lighter” colors of the frequencies we can alternately recharge in another vibratory pattern), using light lasers (using the specific color frequency we wish to switch to), and envisioning the change we wish to see (in our mind’s eye). In addition, we can envision color “leaving” our physical body – as if we were “draining” it off. It’s the same as letting go of excess energy.
How can shifting colors specifically serve us? Two words: Balance and Harmony. Balance and Harmony occur when our bodies multi-layered, multi-dimensional vibrational pattern /frequencies are in-sync with our oversoul’s alignment with Source (God) energy. Becoming in-sync is only a matter of becoming more aware and allowing resonance with our bodies own “truth” patterning.
CLICK HERE! TO GET YOUR FREE: Color Therapy Chart . The chart lists colors and their associated characteristics that harmonize with the multi-dimensional aspects of our being; the 7 major energy centers (chakras). But understand that nothing on this chart is concrete; chakras and characteristics do overlap in all areas; physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual and between one energy center to the next.
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