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In life we go through many different phases and transitions.  One of those is death.  But what if our conception of death is somewhat different than what REAL death is.  What if defining death means no more than a change in perception and focus? The energy of this time is not just change; it is change followed by renewal.

With that being said, we could say, that if we wake up each morning with a change in perspective that we have transitioned into a new space of being; death and rebirth.  If, transformation is what you are wanting, it could be small little deaths occurring day to day and even moment to moment.
What has to happen first?

For the energy to shift – there must be:
No attachment.  One has to transition into the observer role.
No attachment to:

  • Outcomes/Occurrences
  • People/ Relationships (Our siblings, spouses, parent, friends, and even children… gasp)
  • Places (Our homes, our travels)
  • Decisions (Right vs wrong)
  • Thoughts (Judgement of good vs bad, right vs wrong)
  • Physical things we intake (Food, Alcohol, Drugs, Cigarettes)
  • Physical things we Love (Homes, Cars, Money)
  • Emotions (Good feelings vs Bad feelings; peace, happiness vs depression and grief)
  • Feelings (Acceptance, Attention, Love from Outside)
  • Physical Death or Life (Fear vs Kingdom Come)

How to Let Go:
It may feel too overwhelming or challenging to shift all of these at one time as our current reality would be so different and unrecognizable it would make it hard to function.  So to get there, how about baby steps?

Take it week by week… plot on your calendar one change every 1-3 weeks, and in a matter of 4-6 months – your life could look so different.
Start with something like this, a calendar that would go week by week:

  1. Emotions.  Continuously evaluate and re-evaluate where your emotions fall.  Anywhere that is variable from, what I call “ZERO” point may be pointing to an attachment.  Do all you wanna do is “have fun” or “feel high” without really sitting in a place of calm/peace?  Do you find yourself in a place of “depression or “sadness” without allowing yourself some happiness?  Do you crave a specific feeling or allow yourself to drown in one?  I’m not at all saying that you don’t allow yourself to have these feelings – just that you find yourself having some sort of crazing or need for them.  Or a NEED to “get rid of them”. Ride the waves as an observer and see what happens.  Understand and be compassionate with yourself and others.
  2. Thoughts.  Are you always striving for perfectionism, or have an obsession with a need to think a certain way? Do you find yourself self-limiting in a belief or attitude?  Use, what I call, the “eraser” technique… start erasing the old beliefs so new ones can evolve.  When a belief pops up that has held you hostage in the past, see it appear as a mantra in your mind, and start erasing it.  You may even make a new, more powerful statement that you choose to believe.
  3. Judgments. About yourself and other people.  Look at those, what I like to call those subconscious triggers that are in the form of thoughts that cause you to respond in a certain way. Recognize that you are judging.  Recognize that you have also been the judged.
  4. Outcomes.  Do you expect to have things occur a certain way and if they don’t you have a reaction to it? Can you trust that all is occurring for your and others highest good? – Regardless of what that looks like?  Can you make that your overall intention?
  5. People / Relationships.  You crave love, affection, and attention from others.  You allow yourself to let go energetically of all others and allow them their own experiences.  You allow your own experiences to be your own; you own your own creativity and power of thinking.
  6.  Places.  Can your soul exist in a space of happiness and contentment wherever it may be? Are you peaceful doing things as trivial as dishes, housework, or day to day phone calling?
  7. Relationships/ People.  Let go of the need or obsession to the feeling of aloneness, of having to be liked, to be loved, to be accepted, to be appreciated. In regard to aloneness, no one can ever really be alone; we are connected to all others, we are one.  But, in our current roles, we have our own distinct point of focus.  If we are able to give ourselves all that we need; including: acceptance, appreciation, and love – we will not have a desire or longing for this to seemingly come from outside of us.  It is law that they actually will come naturally when we are in resonance with our own self-love.    Non-attachment to relationships will leave us in a state of freedom.
  8. Food, Drugs, Alcohol, Cigarettes.  These things help to calm our emotions, to give us peace.  They are sometimes the medicine we need in the moment – until we are able to fully connect and fill the void.  There is nothing wrong with us having a crutch or facilitator (in this area or any other) for a period, but recognizing what the real underlying aspect is, that we are desiring; strength, peace, space  What are we attaching to the idea of?  What is our NEED?
  9. Decisions. Cultivate trusting yourself and your decisions without getting hung up on “right vs wrong”. What is right for you may be different than is right for someone else or situation.  As Mary Engelbreit once said… “If you don’t like something, change it; if you can’t change it, change the way you think about it.”
  10. Real Physical Death.  Is there any fear attached to physical death?  Can we live without constant reminder of existence or extinction? What are our beliefs and do we have a knowing of our constant consciousness? Are you attached to living? Are you attached to death?

When changes occur and attachment ceases, energy flows through your entire consciousness more easily; your intuition increases, guidance is more pronounced, and you feel more connected.

May your continued choices be congruent and in harmony. May you find balance in all aspects of your life. May you feel the peace that pervades all experiences.

Much love,

Wanting to learn more about Energy Work? Click Here! www.brendahoehn.com

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