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How do we create Peace? 

It can sometimes be frightening and painful to look around and see:
Wars, killings, and so much injustice on this planet.

Then turning from the larger scale to smaller scale to see dis- ease in our friends or our family

You may be asking yourself….

What can I do?
How can I best help those that are hurting?
And how can I serve in the biggest and best way?

I believe it starts with creating peace within ourselves.



Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another.

What that means is that energy just changes shape.

As we move our own energy, it results in a change of vibration and frequency and that change and that high level of love automatically transfer that healing and those energy patterns onto others.

It’s how Jesus performed miracles.
He placed himself and embodied this strong connection to to God.

Which gave others a way to move thru this change. He helped create it.

It’s almost like when we are falling and someone reaches out their arm to help us.

Their energy pulls us up… it lifts us. And so in the same manner- when we come across negativity in any form, the only, and also the best way to help another, is to stay connected to our own happiness and joy and reach out in that way.

That is why prayer is so helpful. You literally can change a situation by altering the energy patterns. The negativity turns to positivity. Energy that appears outside of ourselves is really only a realization of the things held deep with us as a whole (the ALL).

When you are about to change that- it transfers to others because of all those inner connections. By sending love and compassion for those hurting and those in pain we help in their suffering.

You can even pretend that you are right there talking to them… because in energy there are no boundaries. Your intention can move anywhere and lead to a resolution.

As we attempt to contain peace within ourselves, sometimes judgement arises. When that happens breath and acknowledge the pain.

As Jesus said during his physical death –
“Father forgive them; for they know not what they do” (Luke 23:34)

The stones (judgement) we throw at others land in the universal energy field and not only affect those that we throw them at- but ourselves as well.

First start with full belief in self and then transfer that to full belief in others to create a tomorrow from a space of compassion. Project that love into the future. Vision, embody, then manifest peace thru your outlook, your body, your mind and your emotions. What appears to be the outside 🌎 world (people, relationships, and things) will reflect that back to you.

Those who appear as an enemy today may be a companion or best friend tomorrow. Those who appears to be in pain today, may be at ease tomorrow.

Let’s make our power and intentions meaningful.
Our minds help to transform our world.
We all are on a journey.

Would you like to continue all of this right now in this moment? 

If so, get a copy of my Free guide: “5 Proven Steps for the Purpose-Driven Influencer to Vision, Embody, and Manifest the Heart’s Strongest Desires”. Click here to get your copy! 

Comment below and share your own tips on how you bring peace to this world.

All my love,


Photo credit: by Zack Minor on Unsplash

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Brenda Hoehn
Body Treats Massage & Spa
27 North Main St
Perryville, MO 63775
(573) 225-8972

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