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I’m so excited as I’m right on the VERGE of revealing a new project with you all! Something I’ve been working on for years! I can’t wait to share something that I’ve poured so much love and intention into!

Continue to stay tuned as I soon prepare to launch..

And, as for this new project…
It’s really got me to thinking about something for each of us and specifically for you…

Right now, today, we have a choice…
We can use the opportunity of this particular time to expand or contract.

And while I’m not using those terms in a “positive” vs “negative” way, what I’m meaning is as an opportunity for growth or a time for review before the next creation.


Expanding on what we want out of life.
Expanding on how we want to do things differently (or the same).
Expanding on how we will get there and what our next steps are.
Expanding on how we want things to look in our life.
Expanding into new perspectives and focus points.
Expanding our view of ourselves and what that looks like.

Expansion can sometimes be a little scary, uncertain, and a great deal of trust may be involved. But it is our divine nature to desire for change and growth. It is a necessity of standing in our creator shoes.


Contracting inward to view what hasn’t worked in the past.
Contracting inward to view the pain and struggle to finally move onward.
Contracting to fulfill some type of need that is wanting filled.
Contracting to lead us into opening our hearts in a much deeper sense.
Contracting to dig into perspectives that we want to assess.
Contracting to know more of who we are, what we are, and how we serve.

Contraction can be painful and struggle may (or may not) be involved. It doesn’t have to be uncomfortable, if we understand that clarity is a required aspect of creating a new foundation for ourselves. And contraction can lead us into new awareness.

How are you feeling today?

Are you expanding (growing) or contracting (going within)? What will your world look like when we are out of crisis mode? What will your new days look like? Your body look like? Your emotions look like? What will you be thinking about or doing? Simply speaking… will you be at peace?

Some are thriving during this period. It is choice.

I’m choosing to prosper and grow! I’m choosing to live and love.  I’m choosing to dive in and share that which is meaningful to me.

And… when that  new project is complete, be one of the first to see what that looks like by joining my list today! 
Join my list now and get a free gift:
“The Proven 5 Step Guide for the Purpose Driven Influencer to Vision, Embody, and Manifest the Heart’s Strongest Desires”

Today is a time to thank you for being part of my life in some way,

Much love,

Brenda Hoehn

Blog Photo attributed by Stanislav Kondratiev on Unsplash.

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© 2016-2017 BRENDA HOEHN


Brenda Hoehn
Body Treats Massage & Spa
27 North Main St
Perryville, MO 63775
(573) 225-8972

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