- Quotes -
March 25, 2020
You must be the change you wish to see in the world.- Mahatma Gandhi So many of us have heard and been moved by Gandhi’s quote. But we often haven’t heard the story behind it. Here’s the...
Your Vision Becomes Clear
February 15, 2018
“Your vision becomes clear when you look inside your heart. Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens.” ~ Carl Young
Short Phrases to Intensively Shift Your Thoughts
January 20, 2017
Short Phrases to Intensively Shift Your Thoughts and Emotions Affirmations have been around for a long time, but do you know why they are so popular? People use them for a variety of purposes. They help to place us in...
January 10, 2017
“Remove the word “TRYING” from your vocabulary replace it with only words “I AM” (then just sit back and wait for the miracles to happen)” ~ Brenda Learn How to Further Shift...
Letting Go
October 1, 2016
Resistance causes anxiety. What about allowing everything to come up and then realizing it’s there… really recognizing it… acknowledging the part it’s had in your life, then letting it go? All...