- Exercise -
June 22, 2020
My whole life I’ve had this curiosity about being limitless. I’m not even sure when it started. This belief that somehow each of us has a little superhero inside us where we can do incredible things and not...
Quantum Time Jumping – Is it REAL?
May 18, 2020
Let’s talk fun. This post is just to stretch your conscious mind a bit. For this to make sense, we will incorporate Science with Energy-Based Techniques. Quantum, in this case, is about removing the timeline and...
Are You Under the Influence?
April 30, 2020
Are You Under the Influence? Whiskey, Vodka… or ….. How about …Someone else’s influence? Here we are going to get right down to it.. None of them are necessarily a bad thing… unless they are...
Throat (Fifth) Chakra Healing – Truths of Expression
April 22, 2020
I ran into a post this morning that really resonated with me. It was on “Throat Chakra Healing”. It described a global energy that is pouring through right now, that makes us want to focus on restoration of...
“Be the Change Which You Wish to See”
March 25, 2020
You must be the change you wish to see in the world.- Mahatma Gandhi So many of us have heard and been moved by Gandhi’s quote. But we often haven’t heard the story behind it. Here’s the...
Boosting Our Intuition – The “Claire’s”
March 1, 2020
I find it fascinating and intriguing that we literally have access to so much more information than we are currently aware of. Our senses play into us becoming more in tune with this information. As we adjust our...