- Empowerment -
December 15, 2019
Why is it that when we feel the results of feeling unworthy that we tend to grasp for everything outside of us to prove that we are worthy? CLICK HERE TO WATCH VIDEO (V-LOG) OR continue reading post… I had...
Controlling What We Think – And Is It Necessary?
December 11, 2019
I recently did a post on “Controlling What Others Do” and thought about turning the table as I was confronted with a question about eating disorders (bulimia specifically) – two times in a row within...
Overcoming Fear [Empowering]
December 5, 2019
What is Fear? First lets start with defining what Fear is… 1. Anxiety and usually a lack of courage or confidence about a situation. 2. FEAR: False Evidence Appearing Real Let’s first talking about anxiety...
Inspired Action vs No Action
September 26, 2019
Inspired Action vs No Action It’s been awhile since I’ve written a blog post. Part of it, has been that I’ve been just catching up with me. Catching up with the aspects of me that I want to put out into the world....
Breathing New Life into the New Year
December 28, 2018
Breathing New Life into the New Year We create each moment choice by choice, and day by day by taking a breath, moving one foot in front of the other, and by intentionally moving forward. I was reminded recently that...
Death and Rebirth: Non-Attachment – The Key to Transforming
November 1, 2018
In life we go through many different phases and transitions. One of those is death. But what if our conception of death is somewhat different than what REAL death is. What if defining death means no more than a...