Bear with me…This is going to be a deep dive for some. May be a bit to take in and digest …
The question is… Can Anyone Truly Hurt Us?
I was struck by this question as I was examining my own quest to no longer place the victim mentality in any part of my own life. So here we go…
Through the constructs of our experience – we typically experience pain and anxiety in multiple ways:
Through the mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical. But wait, there’s also our multi-dimensional experiences that bleed in – those from other realities; those from the past, those from the future, those from others experiences that we have linked into.
Our perception is in control of what we experience. Our thoughts and emotions can be dialed up or dialed down. Not to be forgotten or down-played – but there is a sense of being able to shift these once an experience happens. For example – if we feel rage or anger about something – we can bring in understanding and compassion to a part of ourselves to be able to change that to something that brings less pain, less anxiety. So based on that, we can say that mentally and emotionally we can allow or disallow our own pain based on our responses to others interactions with us – so, in this way, others can not hurt us.
Our physical experiences can sometimes see less controllable; for example, how can we not be a victim to terrible things such as: rape, murder, war, etc.? How can we place ourselves outside this victim state when we see and have experiences such things. My guides tell me that “physical things” like this, occur from the inside out... they explain it this way… Think about physical occurrences as being poured through a funnel. Whatever is poured in at the top of the funnel will come out at the end of the funnel; that means whatever perceptions we place into the top of the funnel will come out at the end of the funnel. All physical experiences are only the inner egos response to that which was poured into the consciousness and at some point then funneled into reality through perception. Although this may be a little difficult to understand – it is much like dream state. When we go to sleep with something heavy upon our heart – our consciousness works through it in our dreams. Our daytime reality is really no different than dream state. Occurrences are no more than the realities we’ve decided to participate in and work through. So, in other words, physical pain inflicted upon us is really our own inner response to what we have perceived on another level. We control this through working through our perceptions. This is where it gets a little tricky… and hope I don’t lose you out there… because it’s going to be a little more challenging to take in…
We are all ONE. Let me repeat… WE ARE ALL ONE. All others that show up in our lives, are a part of our lives, that we see in the media, that we see on television… are only part of that funneled experience. They are part of us. Our experiences are reflective of that whole. Think about life as a stage and you are all the characters and all the roles. You meet yourself in and out of all experiences. What that means is that you can not be victim to another person – because that person is also a part of you. Others are reflecting the wholeness within you.
Hope I didn’t loose you there?!
Here’s an Energy-based exercise (FOGG):
So what to do when you experience pain or anxiety in any way? Come out of the FOGG:
1. Feel into the pain or anxiety. Understand it on all levels. Is it something that you recognize within yourself or is it something that was passed along to you from another part of yourself (seemingly another)?
2. Observe it. Understand it. Talk to it. In your mind’s eye recognize what’s going on behind the scenes.
3. Give it Compassion. If, from the outside it looks to be another causing you pain – give them compassion. If, there is direct knowing that you are inflicting upon yourself – give yourself compassion.
4. Give it Love. Find love for others, Find love for yourself. Want outside the victim mentality – LOVE is the way out!
All the best and much love,
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