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I find it fascinating and intriguing that we literally have access to so much more information than we are currently aware of. Our senses play into us becoming more in tune with this information. As we adjust our sensitivity level, realize that we can attune to more information, and trust in the information as it is received, we allow ourselves to dive into some really empowering and incredible stuff!

Knowing it’s out there is 1 thing…

But training ourselves in accelerating these gifts is quite another!

First, we will look at what some call the Claire’s (or the super senses): the collective word phrase that includes any or all types of psychic sensitivity corresponding to the senses. And then, following that,  we will plunge into exercises to increase your use of these gifts!

Clair Senses in psychic terms are translated to things such as:
  1. Clairvoyance (clear vision) — This is when visions past, present and future flash through our mind’s eye, or third eye, much like a daydream. A clairvoyant is one who receives extrasensory impressions, and symbols in the form of “inner sight” or mental images which are perceived without the aid of the physical eyes and beyond the limitations of ordinary time and space.
  2. Clairaudience (clear audio /hearing) –– To perceive words, sounds, music or extrasensory noise, from sources broadcast from spiritual realms, in the form of “inner ear” or mental tone which are perceived without the aid of the physical ear and beyond the limitations of ordinary time and space.
  3. Clairalience (clear smelling) – This is being able to smell odors that don’t have any kind of physical source. Instances of this could include smelling the perfume or cigarette smoke of a deceased relative, used as a sign of their presence around you. Certain smells can connect to certain memories or experiences.
  4. Clairgustance (clear tasting) – This is the ability to taste something that isn’t actually physically seen or there. This experience oftentimes comes from out of the blue when there is a connection or communication with another energy (whether it be a memory or deceased loved one). The energy brings about a reminder of something specific related to the sense of taste.
  5. Clairsentience (clear feeling) – This entails feeling a person’s or spirit’s emotions or feeling another’s physical pain. It could be that you get the “chills” for no apparent reason.
  6. Claircognizance (clear knowing) – This is when we have knowledge of people or events that we would not normally have knowledge about. Spirit impresses us with truths that simply pop into our minds from out of nowhere. An example of this would be a premonition: a forewarning of something that could happen in the future.
Exercises to Develop The Claire’s:
  1. Meditation with Automatic Writing /Journaling – This is one of my favorites and has been the biggest source of development of my own intuition. First, take out a pen and paper. Next write down whatever it is that you are wanting more clarity on; a relationship, a pattern of behavior, finances, career, etc. Next relax yourself and focus on your breath. Completely release any thoughts in your mind and any tension in your body. Next start writing whatever comes to mind. Don’t worry about it making any sense. Write down anything at all that comes to mind: pictures, symbols, people, places, events, or whatever. The more abstract it is, the better. Just allow! When you feel there is no more that you need to write, then go back and do a little analysis of this. Sometimes I find it helpful to Google symbols or whatever comes up to fully understand the message.
  2. Work with a Partner – Have a friend or family be your guinea pig. And even better – someone you don’t know. Have them ask a question about someone they care about that is deceased. Give yourself 20minutes – 1 hour to journal, contemplate on answers that come to you. Don’t worry about it making any sense. Just interpret the information as it comes and write. In other words, what you are wanting to do, is to allow yourself to pick up on the energy of their loved one and see what messages you can pick up. After the lapse of time, share with them the information and see if any of it makes sense to them. Try this over and over with other people. The more positive feedback and valid information – the more your confidence builds and the more you trust.
  3. Dreamwork – Keep a journal by your bed and write down impressions of what your received in your sleep state. Before going to bed make it your intention to receive information on a specific topic or from a specific person (alive or deceased). The energetic state of this will be given to you. Make it your intention to remember your dreams.
  4. Listening – Stop for a moment and just listen. Focus on whatever sense it is that you want to enhance. For example – if it is hearing – focus on listening internally and externally. See if you notice things that you wouldn’t have heard if you weren’t paying attention. Your senses will attune to where your focus goes. Once, I was looking in the sky and noticed a flock of birds. I looked away and back again and they were gone. Spirit shared with me that things are, in all actuality always there – it just depends on the expansion of our awareness…. meaning that the bird were there regardless if I was seeing them or not.
  5. En”visioning” Sound – Sit and envision that you are hearing a sound playing in the room. Examples may include: a song, a band-saw (or loud piece of construction equipment, a cat’s meow… or whatever it is that you can think of). This works perfectly in training yourself to “tune” into a specific vibration or frequency… allowing you to more intentionally tune into inner hearing!

Insights, intuition, empowerment… that’s what this is all about! 

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If so- get a copy of my Free guide: “The Proven 5 Step Guide for the Purpose-Driven Influencer to Vision, Embody, and Manifest the Heart’s Strongest Desires”

I am you, you are me, we exist together.
Much love,

And… Then join me at an upcoming workshop! 
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© 2016-2017 BRENDA HOEHN


Brenda Hoehn
Body Treats Massage & Spa
27 North Main St
Perryville, MO 63775
(573) 225-8972

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