You must be the change you wish to see in the world.- Mahatma Gandhi
So many of us have heard and been moved by Gandhi’s quote. But we often haven’t heard the story behind it.
Here’s the story…
During the 1930’s and among the hundreds of people waiting to visit with Mahatma Gandhi (one of India’s foremost civil rights leaders) were a mother and her young son. When it was their turn, the woman asked Gandhi to speak with her son about eating sugar.
Gandhi asked her to come back in two weeks and said he would talk to the boy then. She wondered why he didn’t just speak to her son when he was already there, but she complied with his request.
In two weeks they returned, and after waiting for a couple of hours, she was able to approach Gandhi once again.
Hearing her repeated request, Gandhi immediately spoke with the boy, who agreed to begin working to eliminate sweets. After thanking Gandhi for his wise and compassionate words, the mother asked him why he wanted them to return instead of offering his advice the first time.
Gandhi replied, “Upon your visit two weeks ago I too was eating sugar.” He explained that he could not speak of or teach her son to not eat sugar if he himself had not taken that journey.
Whatever changes you would like to effect in our society has to begin with you.
So what change would you like to see?
What solution do you hold for our community?
Is it…
Prosperity – If so, attune to “having enough”; having enough love for yourself.
By having enough love for yourself, you allow your energy field to open to share with others. Money is just a form of energy. Prosperity means thriving. Prosperity means having an over abundance – this equates to being able to give to others because your own cup runneth over. By giving – you tell yourself and society that you trust that there will always be a flow coming thru you to share.
Health – If so, attune to “wellbeing”; physical, emotional, mentally, and spiritually.
Health means unconditionally supporting yourself in whatever form that may be. It may mean temporarily giving no or little attention to whatever is in front of you OR it may require acknowledging and actually diving into the pain to release the fears or discomfort. The greater the pain, the greater the gain; meaning if the pain is deep, the relief will be considerable.
Safety – If so, attune to “authenticity”.
Why? When we attune to our own truth … we know we are connected to something much bigger than this physical existence. When we truly know who we are – we know of our divine-nature. We know that we are God. Being God-like means that we are always embraced and known.
What would each day look like if you continued that flow?
What would society look like?
Are you part of the solution, part of the movement?
If so…
My friend… continue to Influence
Here’s a guide to support that journey!
“The Proven 5 Step Guide for the Purpose-Driven Influencer to
Vision, Embody, and Manifest the Heart’s Strongest Desires”