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All this hype on the Coronavirus really got me to thinking. I mean, what is it in our mass consciousness that we are wanting to have or be by experiencing all of this. What is this event causing us to want or desire strongly? How can we feel at peace and in our most powerful state? And really, not just during this event, but during any event or situation….

What appears to me, that is spreading, is a feeling of powerlessness, panic, worry…

Which, in turn, I believe creates a desire to expand further into truth, peace, and empowerment.

It’s all about perspective.

Be can choose to be the eye of the storm…
The peaceful space of a hurricane surrounded by the most strong and tormented winds. The eye is so calm because the strongest winds are deflected from the center, causing the winds to rotate around the eye wall, leaving the exact center calm.

We can choose to be the observer…
The person that senses but doesn’t entangle in experience. The person that powerfully chooses the most aligned perspective for them self (and others); choosing wisely, choosing harmoniously, choosing lovingly.

We can choose to be without judgement…
The aligned state of offering no opinion (or energy) towards that of devastation, fear, powerlessness, panic, worry, or worthlessness. Non-judgment requires no change for there to exist a connection to unconditional love and truth of a situation.

For me, that means knowing…

  • We are eternal. We will never cease to exist. We are like the infinity sign – endless, everlasting, and perpetual. Our soul goes through experiences and experiences are temporary.
  • We are ever supported in all we do; the universe is orchestrating everything perfectly for us. We can trust and live in certainty knowing that there is a presence and perspective that hears, sees, and embraces our every moment and entire being.
  • We can choose to access peace at any time by stopping and calming ourselves.
  • We can choose to love ourselves and others regardless of any pain and suffering that we are going through. We can choose to support each other.

Wanting more EMPOWERED living tips? 

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We learn and grow together, 
Much love,

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Brenda Hoehn
Body Treats Massage & Spa
27 North Main St
Perryville, MO 63775
(573) 225-8972

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