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I had an ahh-haa moment this morning…

As the fields across from our farm house are being harvested – we’ve had an influx of spiders…. eekkkk!  And these aren’t just little bitty guys… they are HUGE big black scarey looking fellas – Wolf Spiders!  If you’ve ever experienced one of these – you know what I’m talking about! And the peak of my anxiousness about this spiked and spiraled a few mornings ago while getting ready for work as I felt something crawling on my arm and guess what it was?!

Ohhh my! At this critical point, I knew I had to ask the universe…
what in the world is this spirit animal trying to tell me? Why is it entering my consciousness?

Spider symbolism is all about choices and the web of results we find following those choices – in other words manifestation – and the interconnection of those leading into others lives.  The message that came through to me was that my decisions of thinking were leading my life.  Of course… we hear this all the time, but after some meditation on the point – here is the information I was given…

Balance at the Deepest Level
Choices lead to Balance. Some imbalances are easy to sense, for example, we know when we have too much or not enough physical energy – usually showing up as muscle tightness or fatigue. But we can also experience imbalances in our thinking, our emotions as well. These play a huge part into the physical environment of our lives and how we perceive things.  And ENERGY is just ENERGY.  So nothing good nor bad.  Energy can be added and energy can be subtracted.

“Excess vs Lack of Energy”


  • Imbalance = EXCESS – Always striving for more (for example need for more money) with LACK of acceptance that we have enough.
  • Imbalance = EXCESS thinking (thoughts swimming in our minds) and LACK of  clarity.
  • Imbalance = EXCESS boredom in our lives with LACK of  time to do what we are wanting to do.
  • Imbalance =  EXCESS feelings of rejection (from self /others) and LACK of love.
  • Imbalance = EXCESS pressure on ourselves (perfectionism) and LACK of self-acceptance.
  • Imbalance = EXCESS physical weight or LACK of motivation / inspiration.
  • Balance = Money to cover everything we need and more. Feeling and knowing that we have enough and are supported.
  • Balance = Our minds processing information and  feeling guided (clarity) with synchronicity around each corner.
  • Balance = Feeling in our purpose and our activities being guided to those that are fulfilling.
  • Balance = Conversations with others and ourselves that lead to mutual respect.
  • Balance = Allowing life to be without having to control outcomes.
  • Balance = Feeling and seeing the perfection in our physical bodies.

So how do we bring about more balance?
How do we change our physical circumstances, emotional well-being, and our thoughts to be more neutral – so that we can allow more balance in our lives? I believe by continuously coming back to alignment with our true self. 

New Energetic Exercise –
I was given during meditation… I like to call:

The Tornado:

  1. BALANCE: Starting at your heart – envision yourself as a column of light (bringing the light from your heart to the top of your head, then down to your feet). This allows the body to come into complete balance – within minutes.
  2. BALANCE: Breathe into the light – feel the essence of your true being. Stay in this place for a moment and soak in the light.
  3. REMOVING EXCESS ENERGY: Let everything else spin away; starting above your head then guiding the spin downward allow everything outside your true essence spin away.  How I envision is like a tornado spinning downward while I let go of anything that is not mine; thoughts, emotions, other people’s “stuff”.  I allow it to return to divine light.
  4. ADDING ENERGY: Ask all fragmented parts of yourself to return. Allow your energy to be back with your divine self.
  5. ADDING ENERGY: Bring in the colors. Kinda like after a “real” tornado – I like to bring in a rainbow! Starting at your crown and moving downward – allow all colors of the spectrum to infuse your body.  It’s like bringing yourself back fully into the light that you were meant to be!

May your continued choices be congruent and in harmony. May you find balance in all aspects of your life. May you feel the peace that pervades all experiences.

Much love,

Want even more balance? Let’s schedule some time together!

I’m offering a limited number of 1:1 sessions outside my coaching program!
–>>>> Click here to schedule! <<<<–
(Choose “1X Session: Energy Work to Schedule”)

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Brenda Hoehn
Body Treats Massage & Spa
27 North Main St
Perryville, MO 63775
(573) 225-8972

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