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Sometimes when we want something REALLY bad we actually hold ourselves apart from what we want.

We don’t mean to do that… but, well… it just happens.

Ask yourself: Are you holding the space for new potentials to be born? Are you willing to build a new foundation by working from a higher perspective instead of the limited one that you’ve accessed in the past?  If you have been struggling in some way – how can you change?

First, trust in an awareness bigger than your limited view.

In other words, trust that there is an awareness bigger than your ego view.  I like to call it the “higher self” or even the “universal / all knowing” consciousness.  To do this,  you can start by…

  1. Quite your mind – listen to what you are being told.
  2. Rest – as the body integrates higher more aligned possibilities, sometimes the body needs a catch-up period. Allow yourself the time it takes to do catch-up work.
  3. Spend time with nature – as the earth can help you integrate the changes into your body. Your body is made of the Earth. When you connect your higher mind with your heart and then in the present moment – you are connecting to the Earth plane.
  4. Movement – move your body in whatever way it is calling for.  This could mean exercise or even just stretching. Listen to your body and what it needs as the energy moves through it.
  5. Synchronicity – listen to your inner voice and your environment as they are one in the same. The inner world = the outer world and visa versa.  Listen to what is being presented to you.
  6. Nourishment – nourish your body and soul with whatever it is asking for (whether that be a healthy snack, a massage, or journaling).
  7. Let go – let go of old thought patterns. As a pattern arises, breath in and breath out. Ask (command) your body to release the old and then through imagery, imagine the new.  You can vision white light moving into the area that is replenishing and replacing the old.

It is not necessary for us to struggle and be in pain. Once there is realization of a change required, we can move more freely toward that without staying stuck in the discomfort.  To do this: 

  1. Breathe – focus on the breath. Remove the focus from the discomfort.
  2. Recognize changes in the dream state – our unconscious minds move us through symbolism of what is in our current energetic state.  We can recognize fears and welcome in new transitions before they enter the physical state.
  3. Forget – let go of the old. Forget about the past.  Live in the moment.
  4. Look at another and see them from your soul-state.  Look at the most painful relationship that you have recently been involved in and evaluate what this person is telling you about yourself. How do you feel about them? The painful feelings that you have (or see in them) are a direct mirror of how you feel about yourself in some way.  We are all ONE. Be compassionate with yourself as you guide yourself through the changes that are being called to you.

—>>>>>>>Would you like to continue this journey with me?<<<<<<———-
If so- get a copy of my Free guide: “The Proven 5 Step Guide for the Purpose-Driven Influencer to Vision, Embody, and Manifest the Heart’s Strongest Desires”

I am you, you are me, we exist together.
Much love,


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© 2016-2017 BRENDA HOEHN


Brenda Hoehn
Body Treats Massage & Spa
27 North Main St
Perryville, MO 63775
(573) 225-8972

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