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Why is it that when we feel the results of feeling unworthy that we tend to grasp for everything outside of us to prove that we are worthy?

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I had a full realization of this as I was watching re-run episodes of “The Bachelor”; a dating and relationship reality TV series in which an eligible bachelor has women competing for him through a season lasting over a few months. During each episode, as different women get to spend time with this eligible man, emotions heighten and a sense of jealousy or frustration sometimes emerges. And it’s interesting to see the contrast in how some women in this situation handle these emotions. Some grasp for attention and it negatively shows up in conversations between them and the Bachelor. These women break down and become emotionally distraught almost as if they are pending all their value on being selected or being a forerunner. While on another note, some are able to stay strong, knowing their value, and not basing results of what is happening on their self-worth. They do not pull, clutch, or latch onto notions of the outcome being attached to their own joy. They stay confident and listen to their inner guidance with a knowing that the outcome will be perfect for them and they don’t need another person or a situation to complete them. And 10x out of 10 – these are the type of women that show up in the finales. And those women that are confident and don’t show up – are always most at ease going forward because they know that better relationships are before them. They understand the contrast between what it is they want and don’t want and that upcoming relationships will provide more of what they do want.

How is it that some women are able to exhibit such confidence, poise, and self-assurance? I believe it is a deep sense of worthiness and of a keen knowing of who they are. They are able to differentiate between their ego’s perception of themselves and then their inner beings sense of themselves; their true self.

So, how can we do that? How can we know who we really are?

First, I think it is in knowing that our self worth doesn’t lie in the ego perspective. The perspective that says we are separate from God…
The perspective that tells us:
*We need something outside of ourselves to feel love and affection.
*We need to be understood by others before we can feel we are perfect.
*We need followers, acceptance, or others to put us up on a pedestal before we can acknowledge that we are already perfect.
*We need a label to tell us that we are enough (first place, A student, perfect mom, etc.).
*We need others to think or be like ourselves in order to feel peace that what we are doing is right for us.
*And lastly – we have a illusionary need to feel that we must be bigger or better at something than others in order to feel that we are powerful.

To know ourselves fully, we must be able to do the following:
*Fully understand (and energetically know) that our expressions (what we think, say, or do) and most importantly (just who we are) – IS ENOUGH.
*Have a realization that we are whole and there is nothing outside of us that is needed to complete that wholeness.
*As fully as we can understand our power and what we are capable of.
*Become aware of judgements and those quick reactions that are nowhere close to the real person we are and that others are.
*Understand that every intention we put out into this world is powerful. We are powerful. We do make a difference. And what our intentions are and how they serve ourselves and the whole are world-changing.

Now, ask yourself, one final question…
Are you ready right now in this moment and going forward to have a willingness to be worthy, confident, and in your power? Are you willing not to let, what feels outside yourself, outside your control to no longer have power over you?

You are moving into self-mastery and that is why you are here. You are here to lead others by inspiring them with your passion, your love, and your joy. You are not meant to sit back on the sidelines. You are meant to feel at peace with yourself. Your love has a ripple effect. As you personally love or inspire even just one other, that ripples from that one person to all of their circle, and then from that circle to all those that were connected to that group, and so on and so forth.

One smile can affect the entire world.
Let’s make our power meaningful.
Our minds help to transform our world.

We all are on a journey. Want to continue all of this right now in this moment, grab my Free guide: “5 Proven Steps for the Purpose-Driven Influencer to Vision, Embody, and Manifest the Heart’s Strongest Desires”


And comment below and share your own tips on this! 

All my love-

Blog photo image by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash


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Brenda Hoehn
Body Treats Massage & Spa
27 North Main St
Perryville, MO 63775
(573) 225-8972

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