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Our bodies have an energetic make up; they are made 100% of energy.  This energetic make-up responds to energy; energy responds to energy.  So, that being said, because words and thoughts are energy, you can readjust and align your energetic matrix (body; cells, organs, bones, etc.) easily with intention alone!  “Hara” refers to the energetic line that lines up this system; including all the chakras and components of the energy matrix. 

Hara Energy Alignment – An immediate way to align, balance, and energize your bodies energy system – including all components of your body:  physical, emotional, mental, and emotional bodies.

This exercise can be particularly helpful if  any of the following are currently occurring within you:

  • Inner conflict
  • Loss of Inner strength
  • Loss of Inner sense of security
  • Lack of confidence
  • Loss of nurturing self-love
  • Struggle discovering your true Identity
  • Feeling abandoned, alone, vulnerable
  • Survival issues – a sense of wanting to leave
  • Anxiety or panic attacks
  • Loss of Identity with self and life
  • Difficulty in receiving or accepting good things
  • Feeling Lost and Alone
  • Feeling Stuck
  • Unable to move forward
  • Lack of direction in life
  • Lack inspiration or drive
  • Frustration at lack of achievement/success
  • Feel you can’t cope
  • Inability to manifest
  • Loss of healing abilities
  • Continually picking up other peoples negative energy or issues

Here is a short meditation to do just this! 

  1. Centering: Place or hands over / under the area just below your belly button. Focus your intent on this area. Energy follows intent. Fully resonate with the cells in this area; feel and breath in and out. Say aloud or to yourself “I am here, I am present”. Talk to the cells and invite light in. Visualize bright light swirling in a vortex to the right – bringing in more and more light. Then shift the vortex and allow it to swirl to the left – releasing any energy that is not yours and no longer needed. Allow and let go of any resistance that is holding you back in the now moment. Again, say the words “I decide to be here, am a present”. Now repeat the exercise of visualizing or intending the energy pattern swirls until you feel clear and free.
  2. Grounding: Intentionally bring the light from the lower abdominal area down the right leg into the feet and connect it to the ground, then do the same thing for the left leg. Then shift your attention to your center once again and bring the light straight down from the area around your tailbone and connect the light from the legs, forming a central column. Bring the central column down deep into the Earth, until you feel that you come to a center point. Connect at this center point and feel into this place. Wait for a moment and feel into the energy of the Earth. The Earth has its own pulsation (frequency).
  3. Freeing the Energy Body: Now focus back up to the bodies center of light (below the belly button). Intentionally bring that light in a columnar fashion up the center of the body. Bringing the energy into the cells of the body and focusing on the physical. (The energy of this will penetrate all energy systems; physical will converse with the mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies – bringing them all into alignment.) As one cell resonates, all those near proximity will do so as well, until all the systems follow; bones, tissue, muscle, organs, etc. – all the way up and into and through the heart, into the neck, arms, and head. Completely feel into the experience, breath into it, and feel it with every part of your being. See the column of light swirl from the center of your body upward– in a direction of right movement and repeat the words: “I am perfection and power”.   Take that column of light and now let it swirl to the left and repeat: “I -let go of all feelings of unworthiness and disappointment”. Now repeat the exercise of visualizing or intending the energy pattern swirls until you feel clear and free.
  4. Connecting to the Individualized Self: Bring the column of light out of the crown to an area that is perceived about 3 foot above the body and connect there; connecting to the higher self; individualized self. This is a place of deep knowing; knowing of self at a soul-level place; incorporating all aspects of your spirit. Here there is no more clearing needed – swirl the light to the right and continue swirling, state “I know who I am, I know what I am, I know how to serve.”
  5. Connecting to ALL THAT IS: Continue bringing the light upwards and connect now to a place in the center of what you might call heaven’s essence. This is the connection point to ALL THAT IS; GOD ENERGY. Resonate here; a place of no separation, no comparison and say the words “I am one with ALL”. Here you will find the frequency and vibration of all the ascended masters, teachers, angels, and all the loved ones that have passed before you and are always with you, supporting you. This place incorporates all energy and creation and all knowledge; it is the place of our God-self.
  6. Dispersing ALL THAT IS into ALL THAT I AM: Like a banana – peel the energy downward, opening the column of light even further, strengthening the column, energizing it. Now bring all frequencies of the light into motion by inviting all colors that exist and have ever existed into the column; running it downward through all places initially touched and then down into the Earth’s energy. Run the pattern back through as a figure 8 with the heart as a crossing point.  Let the light go and do whatever is needed to balance and energize the system. Just be an observer.

And when all is complete – you are complete; one with love, joy, and freedom!  Revisit this place as often as you like – for once you go there – the remembering will bring you right back! Much love!

Hope this information was helpful!  I’d love to hear your comments below!

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All the Best –

Brenda Hoehn


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Brenda Hoehn
Body Treats Massage & Spa
27 North Main St
Perryville, MO 63775
(573) 225-8972

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