Let’s talk fun.
This post is just to stretch your conscious mind a bit.
For this to make sense, we will incorporate Science with Energy-Based Techniques.
Quantum, in this case, is about removing the timeline and jumping to another space (or reality).
Science = The foundation or structure.
Energy-Based Techniques = The tool.
What is Quantum Jumping?
Time jumping put simply – is igniting attention.
Attention or focus on something that could be a probability of a future event.
Focusing on something that matches the vibration of what it is that is being created. Probable events are merely parallel realities. We can jump from one to another depending on where our perception and our vibration are (whatever matches).
Without getting too technical, the science behind quantum jumping is where electrons move from one energy level to another. This is referred to as an atomic transition.
As being the actual observer of what you are looking at and how you are feeling can change your perception of reality. Quantum particles are pure energy that act as invisible connections between entangled quantum particles to move things together simultaneously. To make what you are seeing REAL.
Think about this…
Everything you see right now in this moment was somehow created in your consciousness.
It exists somewhere / somehow.
Let’s take a view outside. Let’s say you see two birds in the sky.
What you see in this moment is merely a reflection of your current NOW vibration. Millions of birds could actually exist in the same space. But you perceive only what your awareness allows you too.
Another similar example is…
Maybe you have lost your keys. You look and look and look.
Minutes later you find them. In a place where you had looked just minutes before. You can not understand how you missed them.
What you see is only a reflection of what is reflected from your own consciousness. Believe it or not – that creation has some significance. Every single thing that our senses perceive is an octave or frequency. It has a vibrational meaning.
Why Would You Want to Quantum Jump?
The process is not necessarily that important, but the awareness surrounding is. It means that we are never really stuck. Every situation can be changed.
Quantum Jumping or Leaping is a process by which you visualize and emote the feelings of the desired result that is different from what you currently have.The power of the quantum jump is reliant upon consistency and keeping focused on what you want as to supply sufficient energy to move you into the desired state, future or timeline. (The same could actually also be said about the past.)
Creating a higher degree of change in your life starting from where you are now to where you intend to be in the future is all in your mind and perception.
The Why…
- Emotional freedom – feeling better about situations.
- Mental freedom – letting go of judgments about situations or events.
Peace and Healing.
- Experiencing yourself as you want to experience yourself.
- Experiencing trust and knowing.
Manifesting Freedom, Joy, and Happiness!
There is inter-connectivity between one reality to another reality that you can literally jump into another place and time. In the universe, both of “you” still exists, and your awareness of who you are is conjoined into one reality. Leaving the other reality out of sight and mind. It becomes a forgotten past reality.
This scenario often seems outlandish or too far-out to be true but quantum jumping covers a wide range of experience from the day-to-day life activities to the truly extraordinary.
How to create a Quantum Jump
How do you create a quantum jump? What do you need to create a quantum difference and a degree of contrast from where you are presently to some place or reality you wish to experience?
As you come to understand and learn more about the different types of quantum jumps, you’ll begin to recognize everyday experiences from your daily life when you’ve made quantum jumps—often without realizing it.
Usually, you experience a situation where you walk into two different worlds that are alike but not entirely identical to the one you’re living in. In such a time, you experience a situation that seemingly shifted very quickly in some unexpected way.
Quantum jumping involves a process of visualizing yourself in an alternate reality in order to bring forth the reality, you wish to live.
True Empowerment!
More on your Quantum Journey…
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