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One of the hardest things we can endure is seeing our child suffer in any way.  Most all children have worries and fears from time to time. Whether it’s the monster in the closet, the big test at the end of the week, or making the cut for the soccer team, kids have things that make them anxious, just like adults.  Sometimes that anxiety can even cross the line from normal everyday worries to keeping them from enjoying life as they should.  When you find that your child is having a hard time coping, here are some things that might help:

  1. Slowing Down The Anxiety As it Occurs  – Anything that guides them away from the fear and into a place of safety can help.  While many adults are familiar with meditation – children may not be.  Forms of meditation differ; all the way from spending time in nature, to doing an art project, to breathing exercises, to guided prayers or meditations.  Children can be very successful at slowing down their anxiety just by learning simple relaxation techniques.
  2. Calm Yourself – Life can be very stressful for children and parents alike. Children, especially those that are empathetic, can easily pick up on their parents mood, emotions, and thoughts.  By placing yourself in a calm state, your body energetically gives off a signal of peace. Your overall state can be influenced by your own thinking,breathing, and emotions. Taking care of yourself is of utmost importance. Your body needs rest.  Children can sense when someone is emitting peace and pick up on the vibration and frequency.  Soon they will be resonating with that – instead of anxiousness.
  3. Find The Trigger – The trigger can be a from a conscious or subconscious place.  Finding what is at the root of the anxiousness can bring awareness, which can lead to a shift in the cause.  Fear at the causal level can be from a safety / security issue, from anticipation of what may or may not happen, and even from actual excitement. There can be all different reasons that bring on anxiety.  Once the trigger is acknowledged – the shift to peace can start unfolding.
  4. Ensuring Safety and Security – While this may sound obvious, you can decrease their level of anxiety and raise their level of support by simply letting them know that you support them, sending them love, and letting you know that you are wanting to help protect them.  Sometimes kids really need to hear this.  Your own worry and fear will only increase that emotion within them.  Kids can sense that.  Let them know that they have the universe at their disposal by giving them a system and techniques to help build them up when they feel fearful.  That could mean something as easy as a silent prayer or guided protection meditation.
  5. Rate / Re-Rate – Knowing where the starting point is helps to know if some ease is occurring in the anxiety.  Have your child rate the anxiety at the highest level and then again after employing some techniques.  A scale of 1-10; 10 being the worst and 1 being the least is helpful.  There are also cute little smiley face scales that can be sometimes used for smaller children (google and check it out).

Anxiety is a feedback of something being processed.  It is a sign that something wants to be acknowledged.  Pushing down anxiety / fears can sometimes only potentiate and worsen them.  By listening – you are helping them beyond measure!

Children with anxiety can often benefit from energy work. When I work with a child, I work with both the child and the parent together.

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All the best – Brenda


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Brenda Hoehn
Body Treats Massage & Spa
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