Are you wanting to make a big change- something phenomenal, something that will be life changing? Shifting the energy of the situation will help the process and help it to occur with more ease. It’s like having the universe on your side!
5 Steps That Will Help Shift the Energy of ANY Situation
- Start making little changes right now. And I don’t necessarily mean little changes directed toward your goal. I just mean little changes. These little changes will start clearing the energetic patterns for something new. For example – taking a new route to work, putting your socks on before your shirt (or visa versa), eating a different food, talking to someone you wouldn’t normally talk to, making your bed differently, rearranging a closet. You will start noticing small differences in your day. Little changes start making big differences over time. And if you end up placing more emphasis on changes on one part of your life – you may even see more direct obvious correlations!
- Finding time to love. Love everything about the situation you are wanting to change. Ask yourself – how has the situation caused you to grow. How has the situation made you want more and be more? If you are focused on what brings you joy, freedom, or gratitude – you will help shift the circumstances and all at once you will notice the change happens with more ease.
- Focus on the end result. What will make you do the happy dance? Will it be shedding that 15 lbs or being able to run that mile? Will it be that promotion at work or that new relationship that you really wanted? Focus on that – because that is really all that matters. When you place your mind there – you are already there! Time is illusionary. Really all we want is the feeling and mindset of gratification. (oohhh – you can have that now! )
- Think less, have faith. Seems rather obvious, but really knowing that every situation is there to help you and guide you to your highest good. When you think that way – then nothing is every “bad” – it’s just our perception and perception can easily be changed.
- See the obstacles disappear. Ask yourself what is holding you back? Not being good enough? Strong enough? Tall enough? Have enough finances? If it is a challenge, there is some type of energetic block that we must overcome. See that block in whatever form it is and work on seeing it / feeling it / hearing it/ tasting it – and letting it go & disappear! Let it melt or float away!
Hope you enjoy your new shift!