How would you like to:
- Immediately dissipate emotions / thoughts associated with negative people
- Instantaneously cease negative emotions /thoughts associated with hurtful relationships and/or financial issues
- Generally feel better – less depression / anxiety about situations
- Positively impact your future relationships – so that the same patterns don’t keep re-occurring
A negative vibe can only hurt you if you allow it to. As that sounds easy enough – just letting things fall off with affecting us, it doesn’t always FEEL that easy.
Let me share an exercise that I have found to alleviate any fear, anger issue, feeling of unworthiness, or feeling / thought pattern of dissatisfaction….
Exercise to Becoming Immune to Negative Vibes
When coming into contact with a “negative” person or “negative” thought remember this: Negative emotional response (from yourself or as a response from another) is only a reflection of something within yourself. It is something within your own energy field that is active, causing others to activate their own response, and then being perceived (by you) based on your own bodies awareness / understanding.
Let me better explain: others responses and actions are a mirror – reflecting to us aperception of ourselves. It may help to remember that the other person that is irritating, angering, or frustrating you is not “trying” to be difficult or harsh on purpose – they are only responding to your energy body.
How this applies: Your body is made up of energy – the energy and energetic patterns are formed through our prior experiences and those that we take on from others. So millions of memories are stored in our cells and the space that makes us who we are!
So in keeping all of that in mind, reach deep within yourself, and feel what your own response is bringing up within:
· Fear – Fear of the unknown, fear of not being understood
· Anger – Anger at yourself for something you have done, left undone
· Unworthiness – Feelings of not being good enough, or not being respected
· Dissatisfaction – Feelings of not being satisfied with life or self
These are just a few. They are self-judgments. Eliminating self-judgment and judgment of others is the first step to self-love – which will 100% eliminate negative vibs; from yourself and what you perceive to be external!
From a time-line perspective; all things occur first on a spiritual, emotional, mental plane before becoming physical (although in actuality they are all happening simultaneously).
Here we goo….Steps to Dissipate Negative Vibs:
1. Identification: Once you have identified the internal cause of the negative vib you are interpreting; you have brought it into AWARENESS. That is the first step of alleviating it.
2. Rate the feeling from 1-10; 10 being the most painful. This will help you identify when the vib (frequency and vibration of the pattern) is alleviated and gone.
3. Compassion: Ask yourself if you have ever reacted the way the person that is irritating, angering, or frustrating you has asked. Compassion/understanding will help decrease the feeling/emotion/mental pattern. Compassion in itself will diminish almost any negative vib.
4. Opposites cancel each other. Send a complete opposite or opposing thought(thought form) to the feeling. Words have vibration and frequency. Just by thinking about or feeling into a word – you can decrease the emotional /mental response. There will be a cancellation of the frequency; opposites cancel each other out. Repeat and feel into the word until the sensation is decreased – like a mantra; “I AM ….CALM”. If it helps to intensify the process – you can place your hands over your heart and/or your head. (This can increase the focus.) The intention is that this will clear the pattern on all levels and from the past, in the present and moving into the future – so that they will not reoccur.
Some other examples of mantras that you may use:
- For Fear – “I AM…. Contentment, Tranquility, Self-confident, Self-assured, Quiet, Calm”
- Anger – “I AM… Peace, Calm, Love, Patience”
- Unworthiness – “ I AM…Worthy”
- Dissatisfaction – “I AM… Gratified, Fulfillment, Content, Happy”
You can use whatever words resonate best with you. There may be several patterns associated with one response.
Learn How to Further Shift Your Negative Thoughts Instantly – With a Powerful 3 Minute Exercise? CLICK HERE!
Once a pattern is gone – IT IS GONE FOREVER! Unless of course, you decide to bring it back into awareness and start focusing on it again. No response = no manifestation in physical reality. This can mean changes in all parts of your life. One small change can affect many other changes.
All the best & much love,
Hope this information was helpful! I’d love to hear your comments below!
Learn How to Further Shift Your Negative Thoughts Instantly – With a Powerful 3 Minute Exercise? CLICK HERE!
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