I believe if you are reading this… it’s possible you are caught in one of these 3 Illusions… just like many of us!
1. Illusion: We are Powerless to Change – What We See We Become
This illusion feeds into the powerlessness we feel when we become a victim. The powerlessness of life circumstances we feel we are subjected to or that we see in our environment; war, murder, rape, and abuse. We feel fear, we feel helpless, we feel that we can not change.
To change – we must stay awake and aligned to our own truth. In other words… don’t drink the Koolaide! We must stay fierce and completely detached from others power to control. We invoke our own wisdom. We must stop playing by the old rules and make new ones. We must dismantle that old energetic frequency that has taught us that we peace can’t exist.
2. Illusion: Our Perception is Limited – What We See is What We Get
This illusion is that the environment we live is truly real. The reality is, is that the environment that we see is no more real than the dreams we have in dream state. I believe that the mirror we see outside ourselves in others and in nature is from a collective viewpoint; collective of all others/all other energy (the ALL; past, present, and future). We can see through all faces as we are a part of ALL faces. Our focus in the moment may be limited – but the overall energy of the whole comes through.
To change – As you realign yourself, with your own truth within, you become the light that lights others lights (like a lit candle that has been passed along). You must resolve and release those things that cause pain and suffering for yourself and others. By helping or serving ONE single person – you are helping the whole. The whole will feel the reward; the ripple effect (energetically).
3. Illusion: To Be Accepted We Must Be Accepted By Others – To Be Loved We Must Be Loved By Others
This illusion stems from the belief that creation happens outside of ourselves.That we must have validation to feel loved and accepted. The truth is, it is energetically impossible for us to see outside love/acceptance if we do not give it to ourselves first. The law of attraction tells us that what we radiate we magnetize. To go even deeper than that, when we are fully connected to the vibration of love – that only allows that reality to be ours. In other words, our perception comes from what we generate within.
To change – Open our hearts. Be not afraid of being hurt. We only can truly hurt ourselves; by denying ourselves love. Magic happens. Find ways to give yourself love; a hug (to self), a massage, doing artwork, loving another despite the outcome.
May your continued choices be congruent and in harmony. May you find balance in all aspects of your life. May you feel the peace that pervades all experiences.
Much love,
Brenda Wanna work 1:1? Like to feel more balanced, and learn everyday techniques to help you feel more happy, less stressed?
Visit: www.brendahoehn.com